πŸ› οΈFAQ

When can I withdraw my capital?

You cannot withdraw your supplied capital because it is used for insurance. To do so, you need one of the following event to happen:

●Some cover buyers decide to stop their coverage.

●More capital suppliers join the Carp Bucket.

Q: Is there a withdrawal/transaction fee?

There is no withdrawal fee charged (but you will pay gas fees to the Ethereum network).

Q: Is there a suggested minimum deposit for the Carp Bucket?

No, there is no suggested minimum deposit.

Can policies be added/removed to/from an existing Carp Bucket?

Yes under a certain number of conditions, and ultimately this would be subject to a governance vote by the Unistar DAO.

Can Unistar cover risks on different chains or Layers 2?

Yes, the policies can cover risk on different chains and Layer 2 (Cosmos Hub, Tezos, Polkadot, ETH 2).

Is the intent to bring every new policy to the community at this point for a decision?

Policies that are not already part of the Carp Bucket will be proposed to the community. The community is then free to assess and discuss any new policy.

What are "group claims"?

To facilitate the claiming process and avoid redundancy, Unistar Finance supports group claims. For instance, if a service covered by Unistar Finance suffers an incident, its users can easily join the group claim corresponding to the issue on Unistar.

Last updated