👨‍⚕️Case Collaboration

Examples of Partnerships between Unistar and some of the leading DeFi protocols to protect them against some of their risks.


Kyber Network recently launched the Dynamic Market Maker (DMM), an innovative, next-gen AMM designed to optimise fees and enable extremely high capital efficiency for liquidity providers. Kyber was one of the earliest DeFi protocols focused on providing seamless onchain liquidity through an open reserve architecture. Kyber has always maintained a high standard of smart contract security.

The policy acquired by Kyber covers up to 10,000 ETH and is focused on smart-contract risk.

Kyber has made the decision to purchase bulk insurance for the DMM, covering all liquidity providers and market-makers. In doing so, Kyber demonstrates the importance of combining the transparency of self-custody and smart-contract audits with insurance as an additional layer to mitigate risk for users.


Lido is a liquid staking solution for ETH 2.0 backed by industry-leading validators. Lido allows users to stake their ETH without locking assets. Lido attempts to solve some of the problems associated with initial ETH 2.0 such as staking illiquidity, immovability and accessibility — making staked ETH liquid and allowing for participation with any amount of ETH to improve security of the Ethereum 2.0 network.


Perpetual Protocol is a decentralised perpetual contract protocol for every asset, made possible by a Virtual Automated Market Maker (“vAMM” or “vAMMs”). Traders can trade with the Virtual AMMs directly without the need for counter-parties.

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